YN3 John H. Shillington (?) (University of Notre
Dame)....................Died aboard the battleship Maine
1898: Harry
Stees (?) (Shamokin: Central Pennsylvania League)....................Died
aboard the battleship Maine
Leonard Weikert (?) (Catcher for Mansfield, Inter-State League)....................Died
at Santiago, Cuba from Yellow Fever while serving with Artilery Company
H8, US Army on 8/1/1898
Bill Stearns (45) (National Association 1871-1875)....................Died
from malaria contracted while serving in Puerto Rico with Company H of
the 1st DC Infantry
Harry Acton (26) (Scranton / New York State League)....................Died
from Influenza induced Pneumonia while serving at Camp Sherman, Ohio on
1918: Sgt.
Leroy J. Bruff (Catcher for Frederick Hustlers of Class D, Blue Ridge
League)....................Killed In Action on 9/29/1918 in the Argonne
Forest in France
1918: Lt.
Alex Burr (Yankees / AL)....................Killed when the plane he was
flying in crashed into a lake at Cazaux,France on 10/12/1918
Larry Chappel Chi (AL) / Cle / (AL) / Bos / (NL)....................Died
from Influenza Induced Pneumonia while serving in the US Army Medical
Corp. In San Francisco, CA
Harry Chapman Chi (NL) / Cin / (NL) / St.L / (FL)
St.L (Al)....................Died from Influenza Induced Pneumonia while
serving in the US Army at Nevada, Missouri on 10/21/1918
1918: John
C. Cooper (30) (Former White Sox Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In Action on 9/2/1918
1918: Nicles
DiGiamaco (Nick Giamaco) (?) Hanover Raiders &
Frederick Hustlers (Class D Blue Ridge League)....................Killed
In Action in Meuse region of France on or near Sept 28, 1918.
Pvt. Harry M. Glenn (23) (St. Louis / AL)....................Died from
Influenza induced pneumonia while serving at the US Army Aviation School
at St. Paul, MN
1918: Capt.
Eddie Grant (35) Cle (AL) / Phi (NL) / Cin (NL) / NY (NL)....................K.I.A.
in the Argonne Forest while on a rescue mission to save the "Lost
1918: Pvt.
Sherman R. "Chief" Greene (25) Elmira
Colonels (New York State League)....................K.I.A. at Chateau
Thierry, France while serving with Company D, 105th Machine Gun Battalion,
27th Division, US Army on 10/26/1918
Newt Halliday (21) Pit (NL)....................Died from Tubercular induced
pneumonia at the Great Lakes Naval Station on 4/6/1918
Sgt. Frank Healey (31) (Western Association Umpire)....................Died
from Influenza while serving in the US Army at Fort Riley, KS in October
of 1918
Lucian "Dutch" Hiner (26) (catcher for
Martinsburg Mountaineers, Cumberland Colts, Hanover Raiders in the Class
D, Blue Ridge League)....................Died from Influenza induced pneumonia
while serving in France with Company C, Jo Lane Stern Battalion, US Army,
on 11/2/1918
1918: Len
Hollywood (25) 3rd Baseman (San Francisco Seals:
PCL)....................Killed in Frances while serving with the 161st
Infantry Regiment, 41st Infantry Division, US Army on Novermber 3, 1918
John W. Inglis (?) Wilkes-Barre (NY State League) / Newburg (NY-NJ League)....................Died
from Influenza while serving in the US Navy at the Pelham Bay Park Naval
Training Station on 10/7/1918
1918: Pfc.
Orville Kilroy Minneapolis (AA) / St. Paul (AA) / Oakland (PCL) / Sacramento
(PCL)....................KIA in the Argonne Forest while serving with
Company A, 3rd Machine Gun Battalion, North Dakota National Guard on 10/9/1918
1918: Air
Cadet Marcus Milligan Minor League pitcher (Signed by Pirates for 1919)....................Plane
crash while serving with the US Air Service in France on 9/4/1918
Lt. John O'Neil (27) Columbia University....................Died
from wounds while serving with the US Army on 10/2/1918
John Rice (27) Outfielder with Gettysburg Patriots
& Hanover Raiders (Class D, Blue Ridge League)....................Died
of Spanish Influenza while stationed in Oswego, NY on or near 9/26/1918
Cpt. Ralph Sharman (Philadelphia / AL)....................Drowned at Camp
Sheridan, Alabama on 5/24/1918
Pvt. Norman Triplett (25) Negro League Player (Hillsdale
Daises)....................Died from disease while serving with the 807th
Pioneer Infantry, US Army on 10/20/1918
1918: Sgt.
Robert "Bunn" Troy (Detroit / AL)....................Died from
wounds received in action at the Petit Maujouy Field Hosptial,
near Ancemont, France on 10/7/1918
Cpl. Specs Webster (?) Negro League Player (Brooklyn
Royal Giants / Hillsdale Daises)....................Died from Spanish
Influenza while serving with the 807th Pioneer Infantry, US Army on 11/16/1918
Ralph Worrell (21) Baltimore Orioles (International
League)....................Died from Influenza at the Automobile Training
School at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, while serving
with the Students’ Army Training Corps on 11/4/1918
Hugh Bedient Jr. (23) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed
in a mid-air collision between two B-18s over Queens, NY while serving
with the United States Army Air Corp Reserve on June 17, 1940
1941: Pvt.
Jerry Angelich (25) (Sacramento Senators PCL).........................KIA
in the attack on Pearl Harbor while serving with Headquarters Squadron,
17th Airbase Group, US Army Air Corps on December 7, 1941
Whitey Burch (23) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
in a truck crash while on maneuvers serving with the 530th Signal Corps,
US Army Air Corps on 11/29/1941
John Loehrke (Semi-Pro Player).........................Died in a plane
crash near Macon, GA while serving with the US Army Air Corp. on 10/26/1941
Marcel Serventi (25) (Minor Leaguer)....................Died from
injuries suffered in an auto accident while serving with the US Army on
Don Stewart (34) (Seattle Rainiers: PCL)....................Killed
in a bombing raid at Glasow, Scotland while serving with the Calgary Highlanders,
Canadian Army on 3/13/1941
1941: SSgt.
Pete Viselli (?) (Minor Leaguer)....................Died
in the crash of a Douglas B-18 Bolos while serving in the Phillipine with
the 28th Bomb Squadron on December 12, 1941
1941: 1Lt.
Leo Walker (27) (Former Cincinnati Reds Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
in the crash of a B-17C near Georgetown, California while serving with
the 9th Bomb Squadron, 7th Bomb Group on 11/2/1941
1942: Gus
Bebas (28) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
in the crash of his Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless on July 19, 1942 off Barber's
Point, Hawaiian Islands
1942: Buddy
Blewster (?) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In Action in the Pacific while serving with the USMC on October 22, 1942
1942: Joe
Boren (?) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
in a plane crash in the Carribean while serving with US Navy on July 12,
1942: S.Sgt
George Chandler (?) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
in the crash of a Martin B-26 Marauder while serving with the USAAF in
Louisiana on 9/18/1942
Grilk (Sacramento: PCL)....................Died from injuries suffered
in an auto accident while serving as the Civilian Athletic Director at
Sacramento Army Air Depot
1942: AM3c
Billy Hebert (Oakland / PCL)....................Killed In Action in
1942: Lt.
Gordon Houston (Minor Leaguer / Texarkana).........................Died
in a flying accident at McChord Field, Tacoma, WA while serving with the
55th Pursuit Group USAAF
1942: 2Lt.
William Marszalek (24) (Pirates Minor
Leaguer).........................Died during maneuvers at Fort Huachuca,
AZ on 10/7/1942
1942: Jack
Patteson (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action on Guadalcanal
while serving with the USMC
Pete Rehkamp (23) (Lenoir Reds: South Atlantic League)....................Died
in an auto accident while serving with the 859th Signal Corps at Selfridge
Field in Michigan on 9/9/1942
1942: Ensign
Norman Smith (25) (Minor Leaguer)....................KIA serving with
the US Navy in the Pacific on 8/9/1942
Stack (White Sox Minor Leaguer)....................Died on the mound
from A heart attack while pitching for his Army Team on a Michigan City
1942: Ed Tuttle
(?) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed in a plane crash while
serving stateside with the US NAvy on 6/11/1942
1943: S.
Sgt. Herman Bauer (Minor League Catcher (1938-41)....................Killed
In Action in Europe
Beal (Minor Leaguer from 41-42)....................Died in an Army
Hospital at Camp White, Oregon on 2/11/1943
Murrill Brown (21) (Minor Leaguer)....................Died in A plane
crash in Jacksonville, FL
1943: Pvt.
Roger Dobbins (23) (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA in
the South Pacific while serving with the US Army on 1/21/1943
Harold Dobson (23) (Minor Leaguer from 1941-42)....................Killed
in a midair collison of two Beechcraft AT-11 Kansan's over Silver Lake,
California while serving with the 984th Bombardier Training Squadron on
1943: Lt.
Carlyle J "Curly" Kopp (23) (Cardinals Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In a flying accident on 7/21/1943
1943: Elmer
Gedeon (26) (Washington / AL)....................Killed In Action over
St.Pol France as a member of the 394th Bomber Group
Alan Grant (Minor Leaguer from 1939-42)....................Killed
in a plane crash at Victoryville, CA on 5/23/1943
1943: 2Lt.
Frank Haggerty (College Player: St. John's University)....................Killed
in the crash of his Curtiss P-40F Warhawk on 9/23/1943
1943: 2Lt.
Robert Hale (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA over Rabaul,
New Guinea while serving with the 8th Bomb Squadron, 3rd Bomb Group on
1943: LTJG
Robert K. Hershey (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action
in the Pacific in August 1943
Roswell Higginbotham (Cardinals Minor Leaguer)....................Died
from complications following an abdominal operation while serving at the
Quonset Point Naval Air Station, Rhode Island on May 23, 1943
1943: 2Lt.
Lou Miller
(?) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed In Action during the
Battle of the Bismark Sea while serving with the 63rd Bomb Squadron, 43rd
Bomb Group, USAAF on 3/3/1943
1943: Lt.
John Moller (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action in
the Pacific in September of 1943 while serving with the 320th Bomb Squadron,
90th Bomb Group on 8/8/1943
1943: Seaman
Second Class. Joseph Rodgers (Hornell Maples: PONY League)....................KIA
aboard the destroyer USS Buck off the coast of Salerno, Italy on 10/10/1943
1943: 2Lt.
Glenn Sanford (24) (Minor Leaguer: 1933-41)....................Died
when his Bell P-39 Airacobra crashed into Susicon Bay, CA while serving
with the 380th Fighter Squadron, 363rd Fighter Group on 11/6/1943
Edward Schohl (Minor Leaguer: 1933-41)....................Died from
wounds suffered in Italy on 11/1/1943
1943: Cpl.
Howard Shea (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA in the Pacific
Theatre while serving in the US Army in 1943
1943: Lt.(jg)
Jack Siens (Minor Leaguer).........................Died when his B-24
Liberator crashed off the coast of St of Eval, England on 9/10/1943
1943: Cpt.
Marshall Sneed (Topeka Owls: Western Association)....................KIA
when he was shot down over the Bay of Gabes, Tunisia while serving with
the 65th Fighter Squadron, 57th Fighter Group on 2/22/1943
1943: Pvt.
Joseph Sullivan (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA in North
Africa while serving with the US Army on 7/16/1943
1943: Joe
(24) (Amateur).........................Killed In Action while serving
with the 100th Battalion, US Army at Monte Monte Milleto, Italy on 9/29/1943
1943: PFC.
George Zwilling (Reds Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In
Action while serving with the 135th Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division
in Tunisia on 3/31/1943
1944: Pvt.
James Addison (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA in Belgium
while serving with the 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division on
1944: PFC.
Louis Alberigo (27) (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA
at Normandy Beach while serving with the 2nd Battalion, F Company, 116th
Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division on 6/6/1944
1944: S.
Sgt. Herman Bauer (White Sox Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In Action on 7/12/1944 while serving in France with the 3rd Armored Division
Fred Beal (22) (Sanford Seminoles: Class D Florida State League )....................Died
at the 79th General Hospital at Camp White while stationed there on 2/11/1944
1944: Sgt.
Leonard Berry (Minor Leaguer)....................Drowned when the
troop transport SS Leopoldville was sunk by a German U-Boat on 12/24/1944
while serving with Company B, 264th Infantry Regiment, 66th Infantry Division
1944: Lt.
Keith Bissonette (Minor Leaguer)....................Lost on a mission
over Burma while serving with the USAAF.
1944: Pvt.
Forrest Brewer (Minor Leaguer / Charlotte)....................Killed
In Action on June 6, 1944 at Normandy, France while serving with the 82nd
1944: Ensign
Murrill Brown (21) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
in a plane crash while serving at the Jacksonville Naval Air Station in
Florida in September of 1944
1944: 1Lt.
Ordway Cisgen (Minor Leaguer / Utica)....................Killed In
Action in W.W.II
1944: Rene
Croteau (Semi-Pro Player)....................KIA at Normandy while
serving with the 82nd Airborne on 7/4/1944
1944: S.
Sgt. Howard DeMartini (30) (Minor Leaguer)....................Drowned
when the troop transport SS Leopoldville was sunk by a German U-Boat on
1944: Frank
Draper (Semi-Pro Player)....................KIA at Normandy while
serving with Company A, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division
on 6/6/1944
Don Dudding (Semi-Pro Player).........................Died from injuries
suffered in an auto accident near Bancroft, IA on 11/24/1944
Lou Elko (?) (Cubs Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
in a military accident while serving with the USMC on 4/2/1944
1944: John
(?) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed In Action in Europe
on 6/10/1944
1944: 2Lt.
George Gamble (Rome Colonels: Canadian-American League)....................KIA
in the China-Burma-India Theater of Operations while serving with the
26th Fighter Squadron, 51st Fighter Group on 12/4/ 1944
Cadet Robert Gary (Minor Leaguer)....................Died at Briggs
Field, TX on 2/5/1944
1944: Captain
Elmer Gedeon (27) (Washington Senators Outfielder)....................KIA
when his Martin B-26 Marauder was shot down over St. Pol France while
serving with the 586th Bomb Squadron, 394th Bomb Group on 4/20/1944
1944: SSG
Conrad Graff (?) (Minor Leaguer)....................KIA in World War
1944: Pvt.
Earl "Fritz" Guessford (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA
in France while serving with the US Army on 8/27/1944
1944: Cpl.
Bob Gruss (Catcher in the
Piedmont League)....................Died in the crash of a U.S. Army Air
Force B-24E Liberator in the Nevada Desert while serving with the 4th
Air Forces 442nd Base Unit on 8/19/1944
1944: Pvt.
Ernie Holbrook (Minor Leaguer)....................KIA in Belgium while
serving with the 109th Infantry Regiment, 28th Infantry Division on 12/16/1944
1944: John
Judefind (Amateur)....................KIA while serving with the 82nd
Airborn during W.W.II
1944: Cpl.
Art Keller (28) (Minor Leaguer / Toledo....................Killed
In Action while serving with the 142nd Infantry Regiment of the 36th Infantry
Division in the Vosges Region of France on 9/29/1944
1944: Lt.
Stan Klores (27) (Baseball Coach at Northwestern University)....................Killed
In Action when the Destroyer USS Cooper was sunk by the Japanese
1944: 1Lt.
Walter Lake (Cleveland Indians Minor Leaguer)....................KIA
while serving with Anti-tank Company, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry
on 7/28/1944
1944: Pvt.
Joe Laky (Amateur)....................Killed In Action while serving
with the 82nd Airborn during W.W.II
1944: Felix Little
(?) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed in a plane crash while
serving in the pacific theatre on 1/12/1945
1944: Lt.
Walter Loos (27) Minor Leaguer: 1939-41)....................Lost on
Air Transport Command Flight 117
1944: Cpl.
William Maloney (Amateur)....................Killed In Action while
serving with the 82nd Airborn during W.W.II
1944: Pvt.
Elmer Mertz (Amateur)....................Killed In Action in W.W.II
1944: Pvt.
Joe Moceri (20) (Tigers Minor Leaguer)....................KIA at Normandy
while serving with the 175th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division
on 3/30/1945
Ed Neusel (43) (Minor Leaguer)....................Died from Heart
Disease at the home of his sister in St. Louis while serving with ths
US Navy on 7/31/1944
1944: John
Ogden (21) (Elmira Baseball Club Official)....................Killed In
Action during W.W.II
1944: FO
Joe Palatas (23) (Springfield Red Birds: Mid-Atlantic League)....................Died
from wounds suffered when his B-17 was shot down while serving with the
325th Bomb Squadron, 92nd Bomb Group on 4/11/1944
Jack Patterson (?) (Minor
Leaguer)....................Killed In Action in the Pacific Theatre while
serving with the USMC on 11/2/1944
Metro Persoskie (23) (Minor Leaguer: 1939-42)....................Died
over England while returning from a bombing mission (15th) over Germany
1944: Pvt.
Charlie Pescod (Minor Leaguer: 1937-43)....................Killed
In Action in France on 10/02/1944
1944: T5G.
Joe Pinder ( Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient) (Minor League
Pitcher from 1935-1941)....................Killed In Action on Omaha Beach
while serving with HQ Company, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st on 6/6/1944
1944: TSgt.
John Regan (27) (Minor League Pitcher from 1935-1941)....................Missing,
Presumed Dead in the China-Burma-India Theater while serving with the
373rd Bomb Squadron, 308th Bomb Group on 5/25/1944
1944: Milt
(?) (Minor Leaguer).........................Died of wounds suffered while
serving with the US Army in the Pacific Theatre on 11/28/1944
Vic Saltzgaver (23) (Semi-Pro Player).........................Accidentally
killed during a training exercise in North Africa while serving with 135th
Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Regiment on 7/22/1943
Michael Sambolich (22) (Minor Leaguer)....................KIA in Belgium
while serving with the 211th Medical Dispensary on 11/5/1944
1944: Cpl.
Bob Schmukal (Under contrat by Boston Braves)....................KIA
in France while serving with the 4142nd Quartermaster Service Company
on 10/3/1944
1944: Pvt.
Carl Scott (Monessen Indians: Pennsylvania State League)....................KIA
at Normandy while serving with the 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry
Division on 7/26/1944
1944: S.Sgt.
Don Shelton (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA in while
serving with on 1/21/1944
1944: Tech
5. Art Sinclair (Giants Minor Leaguer)....................KIA off
the coast of Anzio while serving with the 83rd Chemical Battalion, Motorized
on 1/26/1944
1944: S.Sgt.
John Smith (Giants Minor Leaguer)....................KIA at Metzeresche,
France while serving with the US Army on 11/4/1944
1944: Tech
4 Aubrey Stewart
(38) (Negro Semi-Pro: Piedmont Colored Giants).........................Executed
by the Waffen SS along with 10 other American Soldiers at Wereth, Belgium
while serving with the 333rd Field Artillery Battalion on 12/17/1944
1944: 2Lt.
Sylvester Sturges (Minor Leaguer from 1929-41)....................Died
in the crash of his Douglas C-47 while serving as a Paratroop Ship Pilot
with the 32nd Troop Carrier Squadron, 314th Troop Carrier Group on 6/7/1947
Cadet Fred Swift (26) (Phillies Minor Leaguer)....................Died
in the crash of his Beechcraft AT-7 Navigator near Blanco, TX while serving
with the USAAF on 4/23/1944
1944: Cpl.
John Tayler (Minor Leaguer: 1938-41)....................KIA in while
serving with the USMC on 7/26/1944
1944: Cpl.
Steve Tonsick (Minor Leaguer: 1938 (41)....................KIA while
serving with the US Army in North Africa on 3/28/1943
1944: 1Lt.
Wirt Twitchell (Minor League 1st Baseman from 1938-41)....................KIA
on Saipan while serving with Company E, 158th Infantry Regiment, 45th
Infantry Division, US Army, in July, 1944
1944: Louis
Varanese (Lou Vann) (31) (Minor Leaguer: 1933-39)....................Killed
In Action in the Southwest Pacific while serving with the USMC on 5/18/1943
1944: Art
Vivian (24) (Minor Leaguer: Newark Bears)....................KIA while
serving on Guam with the 3rd Marine Division on 8/1/1944
1944: S.Sgt.
Elmer Wachtler (26) (Cardinals Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In Action in Belgium while serving with the 134th Infantry Regiment, 35th
Infantry Divisionthe on 1/5/1945
1944: PFC.
Roman Wantuck (Sheboygan: Wisconsin State League)....................KIA
in New Guinea while serving with the US Army on 6/16/1944
1944: S.Sgt.
James Whitfield (24) (Cardinals Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In Action in the Southwest Pacific while serving with the 322nd Regimental
Combat Team, 81st Infantry Division on 9/22/1944
1944: PFC.
Les Wirkkala (Browns Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action
in France whikle serving with HQ Company, 38th Armored Infantry Battalion,
7th Armored Division on 9/7/1944
Stanford Wolfson (22) (Browns Minor Leaguer)....................Shot
by German soldiers after his B-17 was shot down over Germany while serving
with 335th Bomb Squadron, 95th Bomb Group on 11/5/1944
1944: Lt.
Tom Woodruff (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action in
the Pacific while serving with the US Navy on 12/2/1944
1944: S.Sgt.
Elmer Wright (28) (Browns Minor Leaguer)....................KIA at
Normandy Beach while serving with the 1st Battalion, Company A, 116th
Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division on 6/6/1944
1944: PFC.
Fred Yeske (23) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action
while serving in Italy with the US Army on 12/21/1944
1944: Marion
Young (22) (Minor Leaguer: 1941-42)....................KIA in the
Southwest Pacific while serving with the USMC on 12/13/1944
1944: 2Lt.
John Zulberti (25) (Minor Leaguer)....................KIA in Luxemburg
while serving with the 317th Infantry Regiment, 80th Infantry Division
US Army on 1/21/1944
Charles Bowers (22) (Johnson City Cardinals: Appalachian League)....................Died
from wounds on April 15, 1945 while serving with the 138th Ordnance Maintenance
1945: MM3C
Ed Brock
(26) (Former Cardinals Minor Leaguer).........................Killed In
Action while serving with the US Navy on February 26, 1945
1945: 2Lt.
Floyd Christiansen
(?) (Minor Leaguer).........................Died in the crash of a Lockheed
F-5E at Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma while serving with the 348th CCTS
USAAF on 7/10/1945
1945: PFC.
Frank Ciaffone
(19) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed In Action on Iwo Jima
while serving with the 9th Marines on 3/3/1945
1945: Pfc.
Clarence Clayton
(19) (Middletown Red Sox, Class D Ohio State League).........................Killed
In Action in Czechoslovakia while serving with the 358th Infantry Regiment,
90th Infantry Division on 5/1/1945
1945: Cpl.
Les Clotiaux
(Semi-Pro Player).........................Died in a plane crash after
playing in an exhibition game at Childress Army Air Base in Texas on 8/9/1945
1945: Pvt.
Sammy Crowns (26) (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA in
action in the Philippines while serving with the 19th Infantry Regiment,
24th Infantry Division on 3/28/1945
1945: PFC.
Olan Dabbs
(26) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed in action in Heilbronn,
Germany on 4/6/1945 while serving with Company E, 397th Infantry Regiment,
100th Infantry Division
1945: Lt.
Colonel Edward Dalton
(49) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed in a plane crash in
Belgium while serving with the Civil Affairs Division, US Army on 3/30/1945
1945: Lt.
(jg) Norman Duncan
(?) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed In Action in a Kamikaze
attack on the USS Whitehurst off the coast of Okinawa on 4/12/1945
Charles Etherton (26) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
himself with a straight razor on 12/27/1944 after having served wiht the
USMC in the Pacific Theatre
1945: Lt.
Herb Fash (29)....................Killed In Action from an explosion
aboard the carrier USS John Hancock
1945: PFC.
Frank Faudem
(23) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed In Action at Leyte
Gulf while serving with Company A, 305th Infantry Regiment, 77th Infantry
Division on 1/12/1945
Ernest Ford USMC (Red Sox Minor Leaguer in 1942)....................Died
in a Parachute Jump Accident on May 4th, 1945 at Corpus Christi, Texas
1945: Sgt.
William Hansen (23) (Milwaukee: American Association)....................Killed
In Action in Belgium
1945: Sgt.
Victor Hartline (26) (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA
in Luxembourg while serving with the Third Army on 1/21/1945
1945: Pvt.
Manuel Hernandez (Minor Leaguer: San Diego PCL)....................KIA
in Germany while a member of the 367 INF. DIV in W.W.II
1945: 2Lt.
Robert Holmes (21) (Yankees Minor Leaguer)....................Died
from wounds suffered on Iwo Jima while serving with the USMC on 2/22/1945
1945: PFC.
Ernie Hrovatic (22) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action
in Belgium while serving with the 36th Armored Infantry Regiment, 3rd
Armored Division US Army on 1/14/1945
1945: Pvt.
Harry Imhoff (19) (Baltimore Orioles Catcher)....................Killed
In Action on Okinawa
1945: TSgt.
Frank Janik (30) (Rome Colonels: Can-Am League)....................Killed
In Action on Okinama while serving with Company F, 10th Infantry Regiment
US Army on 4/29/1945
1945: SST.
Harry Ladner (29) (Minor League Umpire)....................Killed
In Action on Okinawa while seriving with 77th Infantry Division, US Army
on 4/18/1945
1945: Harlan
(?) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed In Action in the Pacific
on 7/30/1945
1945: Alan
(23) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed In Action in Europe
1945: 1Lt.
Jack Lummus (29) (Wichita Falls Spudders: West Texas-New Mexico League)....................KIA
on Iwo Jima while serving with Company F, 2nd Battalion, 27th Marines,
5th Division, USMC on 3/9/1945
1945: PFC
Ted Maillet (24) (Cincinnati Reds Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In Action in Belgium while serving with the 386th Infantry Regiment, 97th
Infantry Division on 4/7/1945
1945: 2Lt.
Dom Malchiodi
(24) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed in a plane crash while
serving with the USAAF in Europe on 5/31/1945
1945: AD2
Henry Martinez (27) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action
in the Central Pacific
1945: Lt.
John McKee (34) (Minor Leaguer: Columbus / Atlanta)....................Killed
In Action in Belgium
1945: T5
Paul Mellblom (28) (Federalsburg: Eastern Shore League)....................KIA
in Belgium while serving with 41st Cavalry Recon Squadron, 11th Armored
Division on 1/14/1945
1945: George
(?) (Minor Leaguer).........................Killed In Action while serving
with the US Army in Europe on 1/15/1945
1945: 2Lt.
Lou Miller (24) (Minor Leaguer)....................KIA when his B-17
was shot down during the Battle of the Bismark Sea while serving with
the 63rd Bomb Squadron, 43rd Bomb Group on 3/3/1943
1945: Lt.
John Moller (27) (Olean Oilers: PONY League)....................Killed
when the B-24 Liberator he was piloting crashed near Port Moresby, New
Guinea while serving with the 320th Bomb Squadron, 90th Bomb Group on
1945: George
Meyer (20) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action in Belgium
Walt Navie (27) (Minor Leaguer)....................Commited Suicide
with a .45 automatic at an Army camp in Laredo, Texas on 10/9/1945
1945: Pvt.
Jack Nealy (21) (Birmingham: Southern Association)....................KIA
at Iwo Jima while serving with the USMC on 3/2/1945
William Niemeyer (24) (Cubs Minor Leaguer)....................KIA
in Germany while serving with Company G, 11th Infantry Regiment, 5th Infantry
Division on 3/4/1945
1945: Sgt.
Hank Nowak (26) (Minor Leaguer / New Orleans)....................KIA
in Belgium on 1/1/1945 while serving with the US Army
1945: S2cnd
Class Frank Obzud (33)
(Semi-Pro Player)....................Killed in the crash of a Beechcraft
SNB that was enroute to Corpus Christi, Texas from Pensacola, Florida
on September 17, 1945
1945: 1Lt.
Harry O'Neill (Philadelphia / AL)....................Killed In Action
at Iwo Jima while serving with the USMC on 3/6/1945
1945: Lt.
Harold Phillips (Catcher in the Piedmont League)....................Died
in the crash of an Army Airforce plane in route back from a Semi-Pro baseball
tournament in Texas
1945: T5
Sgt. Lou Paganello (22)
(1942 Bradford Bees: Class D PONY League)....................KIA in Germany
while serving with the 83rd Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 3rd Armored
Division, US Army
Bob Price (26) (Minor Leaguer: San Francisco PCL....................Died
At Sea in January, 1945
1945: Pvt.
Ernie Raimondi (24) (7 Year Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In Action in Italy while serving with the 2nd Battalion, Company G, 324th
Infantry Regiment, 44th Infantry Division on 1/26/1945
1945: 2Lt.
Bill Sarver (25) (Minor Leaguer / Augusta)....................KIA
while serving with the 67th Field Artillery Battalion, 3rd Armored Division
on 4/6/1945
1945: Pfc.
Charles Schaube (27) (Minor Leaguer / Augusta)....................KIA
while serving with the 323rd Field Artillery Battalion, 83rd Infantry
Division US Army on 4/16/1945
1945: 2Lt.
Frank Schulz (Minor Leaguer / Flint)....................Killed In
Action on Somur, Philippines while serving with the 394th Bomb Squadron,
5th Bomb Group on 6/17/45
1945: Ensign
Walt Schmisseur (25) (Olean Oilers: PONY League )....................KIA
while serving in the South Pacific with the US Navy Air Corps on 2/20/1945
1945: FO
Harold Sherman (23) (Minor League Pitcher from 1935-1941)....................Killed
when his Consolidated B-24L Liberator crashed 30 miles south of Mowkung,
China on 7/7/1945
1945: Major
Billy Southworth Jr. DFC/Air Medal (27) (Minor Leaguer / Toronto)....................B-29
Superfortress Bomber Crash at LaGuardia Airport in NYC on 2/14/1945
1945: Sgt.
Earl Springer (26) (1940 Baltimore Orioles)....................Killed
In Action while serving with Company B, 7th Armored Infantry Battalion,
8th Armored Division on 1/25/1945
1945: S2cnd
Class Frank Obzud (33)
(Semi-Pro Player)....................Killed in the crash of a Beechcraft
SNB that was enroute to Corpus Christi, Texas from Pensacola, Florida
on 9/17/1945
1945: Pvt.
James Stewart (34) (Seattle Rainiers: PCL)....................Killed In
Action at Iwo Jima while serving with the USMC on 3/22/1945
1945: Lt.
Hilton "Tommy" Thompson (Semi-Pro Player).........................Killed
in a plane crash at Pensacola, FL while serving with the US Navy in June
of 1945
1945: Pvt.
Jim Trimble (18) (Under Contract with the Washington Senators)....................Killed
by a Jap suicide bomber on Iwo Jima while serving with the 4th Platoon,
3rd Reconnaissance Company, 3rd Marine Division on 3/1/1945
1945: S.Sgt.
Elmer Wachtler (26) (Cardinals Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In Action in Belgium
1945: Carson
Walsky (?)
(Hazleton Mountaineers: Interstate League)....................KIA in Germany
on February 26, 1945
1945: T5.
Dick Williams (Appleton Papermakers / Sheboygan Indians: Wisconsin
State League)....................KIA during the Battle Of The Philippines
while serving with the 82nd Field Artillery Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division
on 2/21/1945
Peter Zarilla (Knoxville Smokies: Southern Association)....................Died
in the crash of an Army Airforce plane in route back from A Semi-Pro baseball
tournament in Texas on 8/9/1945
1945: TSgt.
Lamar A Dutch Zimmerman (26) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed
In Action in Luxemburg while serving with the 317th Infantry Regiment,
80th Infantry Division U.S. Army on 1/24/1945
Rod Sooter (Semi-Pro Player).........................KIA in Italy
while serving with the 133rd Infantry Regiment, 34th Infantry Division
on 9/15/1944
1950: Pvt.
Edward C. Leneve (Cubs Minor Leaguer / Visalia, CA)....................Killed
In Action on 12/2/1950 while serving with the USMC
1951: William
Edward Crago (21) (Dublin: Georgia State League)....................Killed
In Action in Korea
1951: Pvt.
Leonard Glica (22) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action
while serving with the 21st Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Divisionon
Pvt. Raymond Henry Jankowski (22) (Cardinals Minor Leaguer)....................Died
from injuries suffered at Fort Huachuca, Arizona on 11/5/1951
1951: Cpl.
John Lazar (Browns Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action
on 9/7/1951
1951: Sgt.
Marcel Poelker (23) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action
on 9/25/1951
1951: Lt.
Carol Sweiger (23) (Minor Leaguer)....................Killed In Action
on 10/4/1951
1952: Mjr.
Bob Neighbors (St. Louis / AL).....................M.I.A. / Presumed Dead
when shot down during the Korean War while serving with the USAF on 8/8/1952
Erwin Adamcewiez (23) (Cardinals Minor Leaguer).....................Died
from Wounds Received in Korea at Fort Devens, MA on 11/21/1952
John Hrasch (24) (Shortstop for New Orleans).....................Called
into service in 1952 / Killed in an auto accident at Camp Pickett on 9/18/1952
1952: Sa.
James R. Hudgens (22) (San Jose / PCL).....................Killed In Action
while serving with the US Navy on April 21, 1952
1952: Pfc.
Walter Koehler (25) (Greensboro, NC Club).....................Killed In
Action while serving with the U.S. Army in Korea on 7/28/1952
1952: Fred
Tschudin (29) (Minor League Catcher / Manager).....................Killed
in an Air Force training plane accident on 3/14/1952
1952: Pvt.
Charles Wilcox (?) (Anderson, Indiana Club).....................Killed
In Action while serving with the U.S. Army on 9/8/1952
Jack Leonard (22) (Minor Leaguer).....................died at Montgomery
Alabama while serving with the USAF on 9/15/1953
1952: Pvt.
Carl D. Tumlinson (Dodgers Minor Leaguer).....................Killed In
Action on 4/7/1953
1953: Lt.
George C. Reeden (23) (Lexington: North Carolina State League)....................Killed
in the crash of a North American F-86D Saber Jet Crash at Panama City,
FL on 12/11/1953
Pvt. Gilbert Shirk....................Died in an auto accident at Perryville,
Maryland on 5/20/1953
1960: Col.
Bob Stephens
USAF (38) (Lexington: North Carolina State League)....................Killed
in the crash of a North American F-100 Super Sabre at Cannon AFB, Clovis,
NM on 4/6/1960
1967: 2Lt.
Don Lumley
(29) (Tigers Minor Leaguer).....................K.I.A. during Operation
Utah in Quang Ngai province, Vietnam while serving with Company F, Second
Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division on 3/4/1966
1967: Lt.
Cmdr. Ronald Dodge
(31) (Braves Minor Leaguer).....................Shot down over Vietnam
and later died in captivity while serving with the U.S. Navy
1967: SP4
Richard A. Vinal
(21) (Amateur).....................Killed In Action in Long An Province,
Republic Of Vietnam, while serving with the U.S. Army on 4/15/1967
1968: Pfc.
Udell Chambers (Braves Minor Leaguer).....................Killed in a
rocket attack near DaNang, Republic of Vietnam while serving in the U.S.
Army on 6/1/1968
1968: S.Sgt
Charles Chase (Twins Minor Leaguer).....................Killed In Action
in Republic of Vietnam while serving with the U.S. Army on 6/11/1968
Pfc. Larry Smith (22) Umpire: California and Pioneer Leagues)....................Killed
In Action in Republic of Vietnam while serving with the U.S. Army on 8/23/1968
1968: SP4
Kerry Taylor (19) (Sarasota: Gulf Coast League)....................Killed
in Action when his Ammunition exploded on 1/21/1968
1969: SP4
Joseph F. McCarthy (Braves Minor Leaguer).....................Killed In
Action in Republic of Vietnam on 5/25/1969
Cpl. Harmon Bovee (21) (Minor Leaguer)....................Died from wounds
susffered while serving with the U.S. Army 3/4/1970
SP4 Eddie Glinnen (21) (Giants Minor Leaguer)....................Died
in 3d Field Hospital on 11 January, 1970 of cardiac arrest from overhydration
due to wounds sustained when he struck an explosive device with a swing
blade on the Dau Tieng bunkerline while a member of Co.B, 2nd BN (Mech),
2nd Inf, 1st Infantry Division
2006: Major
Stephen Reich (34) (US Olympic Baseball Team / Former Orioles Minor Leaguer).....................Killed
In Action on 6/28/2005 when his MH-47D Helicopter was shot down by enemy
fire during combat operations in eastern Afghanistan while assigned to
the 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne)